As a painter, it is the color that guides my gesture. It is a constantly changing research. The form is often only an artifice to hold the color in space. This color I wish to reveal it in its simplest device, devoid of any symbol or interpretation to leave room only for sensation.
The colors of the iconographic charter of the Bordeaux Metropole Archives, chosen with the greatest care in connection with the surrounding landscape, led me to an exploration of the place to draw the sap which is at the origin of the triptych Je Perds Le Nord. The desire to rediscover through memory light tints in the form of dust and thus experience a personal journey between bewilderment and contemplation. Handling the pastels in their box instantly sends me back to the development of the paintings and all the ramifications that have germinated during the duration of this project. These fragments connect me both to my personal archives and to the Archives site.
It is these small pale pebbles that accompany me and light my way.
Joint exhibition with the artists: William Acin, Emmanuel Aragon, Philippe Baryga, Lucie Bayens, Julien Béziat, Etna Corbal, Pascal Daudon, Thomas Déjeammes, Franck Garcia, Patrick Genty, Christophe Massé, Eddie Panier, Alice Raymond, Xavier Rèche, Patrice de Santa Coloma, Frédéric Sicard, Tramées, Jean-Christophe Vigneau.
Within the grounds of the Archives of Bordeaux Métropole is a plot of fallow land. Space intended to accommodate the extension of the archives site.
Among the brambles, beyond the car park, I draw up an inventory: beams, sleepers, branches and rubbish. Regular visits feed an anecdotal narrative around an ephemeral space.
The various handwritten records, photographs, drawings as well as traces made in-situ allow me to sketch the triptych Je Perds le Nord
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