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Paintings, drawings and installations by Patrice de Santa Coloma at Glacières de Caudéran from June 12 to July 10, 2024

exhibitions 2024

About the Primitivi exhibition

Paintings, drawings and installations by Patrice de Santa Coloma at Glacières de Caudéran from June 12 to July 10, 2024

Primitivi refers to the original forms of geometry. Those that allow us to construct complex structures. The development of my graphic and pictorial vocabulary creates dense and detailed organic interlacings which cross and transfigure our reading and identification markers. It’s when it no longer feels like anything that the real work can finally begin. Primitives mutate, proliferate, invade and hybridize. Vision becomes blurred and splits into diplopia. In this last series the large format diptychs generate a retinal vibration invoking memory. Reminiscences of shapes, memories of colors. Like loved ones populating memories.

Not long ago, I wanted to make a clean sweep of my years of painting. Forget everything to start again. Simplify, go back to the fundamentals, to the primitives, to the primitive. During my explorations of the Trecento period as part of an Art and Science residency with the University of Bordeaux and the Protéome Platform, I was struck by the influence of Euclidean geometry which still persists in the great diversity works produced in the history of art, even if in Latin America a non-Euclidean geometry exists, the heritage and transmission of people's knowledge did not wait for the arrival of the conquistadors to develop in parallel. Their vocabulary appeals to me because it is more anchored in the symbolism of life, in animality and spirituality.

The forms produced are different, they have an authenticity and spontaneity that still persist today. The Inti-Soli series (inti in Quechua means the sun and sole in Italian) explores an imaginary link between two visions of the world placed under one and the same star.